Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Right Now...

No new layouts for today. I've been working on a very different "Halloween" page and it has me stumped. It might be finished or it might not. Maybe if I look at it for a couple more days, I'll figure out what to do. I also started putting together a page for Shimelle's 4 Square Challenge...a fun way to use those 6x6 paper pads! Meanwhile, I have a little "Right Now" list for you (courtesy of a fellow blogger). Tell me what YOU are listening to, eating, drinking, thinking or wanting!

listening: to the upstairs A/C compressor humming. Yes, it's going to be hot again today.
eating: cinnamon toast for breakfast.
drinking: orange/pineapple/banana juice
wearing: blue jeans, white T, orange sweatshirt (It was a bit chillier when I brought carpool at 7 am.)
weather: sun's out and it's already 74 degrees.
wanting: a big fat check from the IRS (not going to happen, but it's what I want)
needing: (see above)
thinking: I'd better get busy with those income taxes in case we get something back!
enjoying: having time to create today.


  1. I love Shimelle's Starting Points! And right now, I'm just playing catch up on everything, it seems. Looking forward to seeing what you create!

  2. NOOOO! Shimelle's doing 4 square challenge? I've been thinking about doing a 4 square layout ever since I bought my first 6x6 pad a few weeks ago. I thought I was so original haha!

    It's funny how we scrappers tend to think of the same idea at the same time.

  3. I just printed up that Shimelle Starting Point yesterday! Would love to get to it today or tomorrow :)

    Listening to birds sing right outside my window :)

  4. Hoping you get some creating time. Wow! You have some nice weather going on right now. Lucky :)
