Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photos from D. C.

These past few days I've been in Washington D. C., giving voice to those living in extreme poverty, families in a daily struggle for survival, children growing up malnourished with no hope of reaching their full potential, as well as those whose lives are impacted by preventable and treatable disease. 

Scrapbooking is what I do in my "spare" time. 

This is what I do in my more valuable time.


Here are some of the incredible people who presented at the ONE Summit, men and women who are making a positive impact on our world:
 Florence Ngobeni-Allen and Cristina Pena, spoke on behalf of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, where they are fighting for an HIV/AIDS-free generation of children. Florence lost her first child to the disease. She has since given birth to two healthy HIV-free children due to advancements in medicine preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Twenty-five years ago, Cristina, was one of only 20 children in the Los Angeles area diagnosed with the disease. She's still fighting the fight.

"The next famine will not be prevented by food aid" says Roger Thurow, hunger activist and author of Enough: Why the Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty and the soon to be released The Last Hunger Season. Smart, cost-effective investments in agricultural development are the key to preventing hunger, driving economic growth, and putting people as well as countries on the path to sustainability. Check out the trailer for the documentary that will accompany his book. Inspiring. We have 401Ks. They have 401Cows. Seriously!

"Poverty anywhere is an affront to people everywhere." After 20 years as a journalist in Africa, Gayle Smith is a Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director at the National Security Council. She consults for a wide range of NGOs, foundations, and governmental organizations.

South African Ambassador to the U. S., his Excellency Ebrahim Rasool inspired us all with his wisdom on advocacy. One of the greatest lessons from the apartheid movement-sing! Carry your burdens lightly!

Here are three of the more than 150 volunteer activists who were at the 2012 ONE Summit in D. C.

 Katie and I, fresh and optimistic, before our first meeting at Senator Landrieu's office.

 Cedric Richmond has some beautiful New Orleans flavored artwork in his office!

 LOVE this piece of art that greets you in the office of one of the Alabama Representatives.

Yes, as we were walking down the halls from one meeting to the next, my eyes were constantly drawn to the decor in the offices of the members of Congress. Some were like mini-museums!

A beautiful rotunda in one of the buildings.

 And I'll leave you with this...the gas prices in D. C.! Quite different from home. Thankfully, they have a very clean and efficient metro system!

Please get involved. Go to and lend your voice for those living in extreme poverty.


  1. just incredible, Madeline! The photos and the inspiration as well. Love that one of you and cant wait for you to scrap it and tell your story.

  2. Madeline - that is amazing! You are amazing!! I have been a member of ONE for a while now. Since it first started. I think what that campaign does is incredible. Are you involved with them or through another group?

  3. Madeline-- I love this post! What amazing work you do. <3 <3 <3, great post! I'm checking out --- love getting involved with things like this, TFS.

  4. I didn't know that's what you do! It's so meaningful. My cousin has always been interested in non-profit, social welfare aspect of things. Right now she's getting her master in statistics related to public welfare (or something like that). Any good career advice for her?

  5. Lovely photos!
    I miss D.C. We usually visit at least once a year. I can't wait for our 2012 trip!
    I'm so glad to hear you are speaking on the behalf of those who can't speak for themselves.
    I love the "hand print" art. How sweet!

  6. Thanks for your nice comments. This isn't my career. I'm just a stay-at-home mom who has sought out meaningful ways to be involved. I can't travel to Africa and help, so I use my voice and advocate. I also do things in my community. You know the expression, "think global, act local"!

  7. Madeline, what you do is amazing! The photos are great.

    I wanted to thank you for the comment on my blog and to let you know that the dots were a stamp, but I have also used bubble wrap and paint before and the results are the same.

  8. Wow! YOu are amazing to be so involved. The pictures just make you speechless, makes me think more about our freedom and what we stand for and less about the politics part. I think it awesome you are so involved!
