Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Another Kit Challenge LO

Here's the second of four pages created with my homemade "kit", built around the papers of BasicGrey's What's Up collection:

I always have a hard time with school portraits, and they don't often make it to a scrapbook page, but this was Brendan's first professional photo after the braces came off and his smile was such a knock-out that I couldn't resist the attempt. The Journey chipboard is an old "leftover" that was colored way back in the day, and yet it coordinated perfectly. I added words, a ticket, stickers and a fleur-de-lis rub-on and voila!

Isn't it great when long lost scrappy items are re-discovered and make their way onto a page?! I still remember how much I loved this set of embossed chipboard. Another piece in the collection was misted, inked, cut apart and used to embellish this page created for Lifetime Moments back in 2009:

Tomorrow, I'll be back with a third page from the same build-your-own-kit. Wow...I feel so productive!


  1. you are getting some beautiful layouts from your kits!

  2. great job! I love the contrast of the soft colors with the touches of plays of that sweet portrait so well!

  3. Beautiful!! Love our layering and how you put your kits together!
    Visiting via the Two Peas forum :D

  4. Great pages, Madeline!! :)
    He really does have a beautiful smile!

  5. Wonderful page! I get stuck on school portraits too but this is a great one!

  6. Great pages! Love that your getting a lot out of the kit!

  7. Terrific e been busy. I have too many kits piled up still
