Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Swimmers

A little late to the party, Kevin, my youngest (12) finally decided to join the swim team. The summer league at Elmwood was very laid back and I thought it would be a great way for him to keep busy once school let out. He was a bit apprehensive and afraid he wouldn't "know" anyone, but gave it a try. He made friends, enjoyed practices and never missed! He loved coming home with a trio of colorful ribbons after every Tuesday night meet, and at the end-of-the-season team party and pot luck, all of the swimmers received trophies for participating. How cool!

Even cooler...notice the TWO trophies in his hands. When the coach gave out an award for the most improved swimmers, male and female, his name was called. With that little confidence boost, he is now joining the year round swim team and attended his first practice yesterday! It's a little different, and he questions why they are doing all those "drills" instead of just swimming the strokes. As I said, summer league was very laid back! Today they start dry land exercises as well. I'm hoping he has fun and doesn't find it too difficult. He could use a little strength training!

The real worry is the difficulty we might face fitting swimming in with homework. I'm actually hoping that this will encourage a little better time management and less fiddle farting around when it's time to hit the books. We'll see. Go Sharks!

Check out "Ryan Lockte" below! It's my middle son, Chris (19) in a screen shot from an Elmwood Fitness Center commercial that aired most nights just before prime time coverage of the Olympics. One day when Chris was lifeguarding, he was asked if he'd like to participate in filming a spot for the fitness Center, which has both swimming and gymnastics competitive teams. They had him put on a swim cap and goggles, swim to the wall, come up and pump his fist, "Yeah!" Hahaha. I love it.

I cannot WAIT to scrap this picture:

I'm going to be on the lookout for some nice blue papers soon! I might have a lot of swim pictures to scrap in the upcoming months.


  1. SUPER photos! I love these. Your son is doing GREAT. I know you will make something awesome with these!

  2. These are great photos! Such an encouragement for your son to get most improved swimmer. Good for him! Little Yellow Bicycle's Splash collection would be awesome with these photos. :)

  3. Great photos! And how fun about the commercial :)
    My son went to an excellent swimming camp this summer and learned so much. It was such a great experience for him even though he too was a little apprehensive at first :)

  4. Fun photos! They are going to make great pages! Congrats to your boys and their awesome achievements :) TV star AND super swimmer!

  5. Good for your son to join the summer team even though he was hesitant not knowing anyone. That takes courage.
    Glad he is having fun with it :)

  6. Wow! Glad your younger DS had such a good summer! That is an awesome pic of your older DS!
