Friday, August 10, 2012

Photo Friday: A Day in the Quarter

When my youngest sister is in town, my four sisters and I always seem to do something fun, and often delicious. A few days ago, we went to lunch in the French Quarter with my mom. Here we are, all six of us, (I'm the short one), at the Gumbo Pot restaurant. 

The three youngest cousins were with us. My son has obviously inherited my short genes. At 12 he's the oldest of the three. My niece will be passing her mom up in height very soon!

While in the Quarter, we did some shopping. Well...more like browsing. This shop had the most colorful dolls and art prints:

Kevin does some window shopping. I love Terrence Osborne's colorful depictions of New Orleans:

More walking brought us to this row of shotgun doubles:

And this house so full of "gingerbread" trim:

Of course, we had to check out this rather creepy VooDoo shop on Bourbon Street. Lots to see...hanging on the walls and standing behind the counter. I don't think I was supposed to take this picture. Ooops.

We snapped photos everywhere, trying to capture the iconic:

The boys didn't even complain when we asked them to stand in front of this door... or that wall. They just hammed it up and complied!

This might be my favorite picture of the day, treated to look like a postcard:

But  there were a few pretty odd sights as well. Walking down the street with her dainty little umbrella, like nothing was out of the norm, was a bronzed lady with not a whole lot on. Where she was heading from or to is indeed a mystery.

You can't say New Orleans isn't a scenic city!


  1. WOW!!!! Stunning photos! I love the second one of the boys, incredible lighting and color. I also love the postcard shot, but what a great family photo, just great stuff. I cant wait til you scrap all of these.

  2. The second picture of the boys should be blown and is so awesome!!!

    Your postvard photo is superb as well...thanks for the picture tour. I have never been there and it was fun to look.

  3. Oh what a delightful post! I've never been to N.O. so that was fun to see. I work for my Pastors (as their assistant) and they pastored a church in New Orleans when they were really young and are always talking about it. I would love to visit but I think it might scare me! LOL! Love those last two shots of the boys - I wish we had some great backgrounds like that around here.

  4. Amazing photos, Madeline! I agree that second shot of the boys is fabulous. And the photo of the church brings back memories of my last trip there a looooong time ago :)
