Friday, September 14, 2012

An Eventful Day

I have a page to share, one which features Scraptastic's September Noted kit and a pretty picture of my middle son's fraternity house. You can skip ahead to the layout and closeups...or read the backstory below. It was an eventful day, the day that photo was taken.

A week before classes began at the University of Alabama, we delivered Chris to his new abode, the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity house. From the outside, it looked so very elegant. Ha! Inside was quite a different story. Actually, the fraternity had switched houses this summer, and there was still a lot of renovation work going on. Nice new showers had been installed upstairs but the kitchen was still a work in progress. Classes would begin in a week and the workmen had not finished. We were even more surprised when we saw what was to be Chris' room for the next two semesters. Tommy thought it resembled a jail cell, with four cinder block walls and a sandy cement floor. Uh-oh. We piled all his stuff in one corner, where it would remain until he could rustle up a broom and dustpan and clean up! He'd need carpet or some kind of flooring. His bed was still on order. The desk and bookcase had to be put together. Whew! Quite a lot of work still needed to be done to make this place a home. 

But we couldn't dally.

We had to get back home.
While we were driving up to Tuscaloosa with Chris, Brendan was back home navigating the world of doctors, lab tests, cat scans and insurance forms. We were being constantly updated by phone. The pain he had during the night (he assumed it was something simple like a UTI or kidney stone) was determined to be appendicitis. The doctor would operate tomorrow. TOMORROW?! As I know it, an abscessed appendix needs removal ASAP, before it gets worse and bursts. So we called a surgeon friend of ours who questioned the wait as well. Thankfully he took over the case, and scheduled surgery right away. We were crossing the Mississippi/Louisiana state line when Bobby called to say he was beginning the operation. It would take about 45 minutes. 

We drove straight to the hospital, and sure enough, they had just finished up. Everything had gone well.

(A couple of days later, Chris had installed a wood-look laminate tile floor in his room, and Brendan was resting comfortably at home.)

Here's my page, with the deceptively elegant facade of the Delta Sigma Phi house. A month later, with the renovations complete, the common rooms newly furnished, and Chris' room set up, it should now look less like Animal House. I'll definitely need pictures.

Punching a border, the triangular scraps caught my eye and ended up as confetti on my page:

I love how these wood veneer pieces help to tell my story:

There's a bit of misting, inking, and stamping going on here:

Patterned papers are Studio Calico, bits and pieces are Elle's Studio, and flags are October Afternoon. Almost everything on this page comes from the Scraptastic September kit, Noted. Exceptions are the car veneer and number strips which were in Scraptastic's September kit, Just Beachy, and the foam letters from American Crafts.


  1. Looks perfectly idyllic to me. :) What a story! This is my new favorite layout of yours. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh goodness, sounds like a hectic time! I love the confetti on this layout. I love everything about it, really! :)

  3. Wow! That's crazy! Your layout is fantastic and I'm glad he is recovering well!

  4. Fabulous page! Love the confetti and the details!!

  5. Wow! What a crazy week!!
    Glad Brendan is ok and that you had someone who could help.

    As for your layout, it is simply fabulous. Love all of the veneer! :)

  6. BEAUTIFUL! Love all the details!

  7. Fab page. I really like your iluustrated timeline.

  8. Thankfully everything worked out in the end, glad surgery went well and the room is now ready. We showed up to my daughters room her sophomore year and I guess someone was jumping on the bed p, broke it and sorta put it back. When my husband sat on it, it completely collapsed, the rug was filthy and the rod was missing in the closet, they think someone was unofficially using it in the summer, they had no where to move her til Monday and we had to leave too!
