Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another Try At Pool Pics

A week after my first attempt at shooting indoor swim meet photos, I had the opportunity to try again. The same venue late in the afternoon offered little to no outside light, but I gave it a shot anyway. I paid particular attention to focus, but still most of my photos were not sharp enough to satisfy me. This was not an easy task!
Thankfully the team's next event will be a Halloween party, outdoors around their practice pool. I hope the weather will be nice so that I can capture some better photos with natural light. 
Here are a few of my pictures from today:



And here's my swimmer. He knocked time off of most of his events, and swam 50 fly for the first time in a meet! Way to go Kevin!


  1. Yay for playing with your camera. Good for you, hope you pick up lots of tips and tricks along the way. Can't wait to see the Halloween pics.

  2. oh I think you did an amazing job with the lighting. Anytime you go this light, you lose detail, but are you using a monopod?

    Love the photos though. Great shots of Kevin and he is growing up so fast!

  3. Great pics! I bet that lighting is a challenge. Love seeing all the little swimmers, I can almost smell the chlorine!

  4. Good job Kevin :)
    I think your photos are awesome.
    I am not a photographer, but these are awesome!!!!!
