Monday, May 6, 2013

Isn't Every Day NSD?

I'm quite sure that is what my family would say if I told them that I was to spend an inordinate amount of time scrapping on one particular day of the year! Because yes, most days ARE scrapping days. If I'm not moving papers around on my desk, then I'm perusing an online gallery or Pinterest. So this weekend was looking like it would be no different. In fact, when a cold front moved in and Kevin decided not to attend swim practice, I was not disappointed at all. There would be even MORE time to scrapbook on Saturday!

But that's not how it went. Kevin woke up, ate one bite of breakfast, and promptly got sick. He was feeling pretty miserable...really drained! I ended up sitting on the sofa with him and we watched a couple of episodes of Dr. Who. At 13, he didn't really need me to sit with him, but he was just starting the Dr. Who series and I told him when he did that I would watch it all with him again. Promises, promises. So that's what we did. Eventually he fell asleep and I would get some scrapping time in, but it sure wasn't the day I had planned! :)

Sunday was more of the same, with me focused on keeping the boy hydrated. (He was scared to eat or drink!)

And here we are on Monday. Today was the first day that he has missed school all year. Bye-bye perfect attendance. :( The good news, however, was right there on the digital thermometer...98.6. Finally! We'll probably watch another episode or two of Dr. Who, but only after catching up on the classwork he is missing today. Oh joy...

Here's Kevin at a happier time:

Patterned paper, stickers-Echo Park
Banner, date tab-October Afternoon
Alphabet stickers-American Crafts, Making Memories, and Basic Grey
Other-felt flowers, buttons, washi tape.


  1. Such a fun layout! Love the photos, the bright colors and the stitched circle banner.

  2. Awww, poor thing. Sounds like he's on the mend though. Love your fun and colorful layout, especially the fun pie charts with the stitching.

  3. so sorry he wasn't feeling well.

    what a great layout! love the bright and cheery colors

  4. Poor Kevin! Hope he's feeling a bit better by now! LOVE your page. It's so happy and bright. Love the row of stitched circles!

  5. So sorry he is sick! Hope he feels better soon.
    I always think I am going to be able to scrap on the weekends, but it never works out that way :)
    Great layout!

  6. oh no - sorry you didn't have a scrappy weekend... but life happens for sure!

  7. Fun LO and I'm loving those circle accents!

  8. So sorry he had such a rotten weekend. Glad he's better now. Your layout is just adorable. I love the pie circles stitched through the middle. Perfect touch for a pool page.
