Monday, June 3, 2013

A Day At The Zoo

I'm all over the place when it comes to what year (decade) I choose to scrap next. Today's layout features some really terrible pre-digital age photos that I still felt the need to scrap. Isn't that face adorable?! I had put the pics aside years ago, but challenged myself to "just do it"! My "baby" is 13 now, so it's kind of bittersweet to look back on these pre-school days. 

Papers are from Fancy Pants' Trendsetter collection, which I happened to pick up when I visited a real, true-to-life, brick and mortar scrapbook store recently.

That store was Scrappin' Friendzee. I had found it on a google search a while ago, but didn't have a good reason to seek it out. I lived on the other side of the river (read: other side of the world) from the place, and had no recommendations to spur me to make the drive. But last week Tommy and I had to drive over to pick up a bed frame from a shop on that side, and he asked if there was anywhere else I wanted to go while we were over there. A lightbulb went off in my head, and that's how I found myself wandering the aisles of an honest to goodness scrapbook store! Boy, I've missed browsing paper stacks. Internet shopping has its perks but it's just not the same.

Do you have an LSS (local scrapbook store) where you live?

P. S. Those tags on the top are not actual tags. It's a patterned paper! I cut around the top of the tag images, punched holes, folded to make a crease between each "tag", inked and then pop-dotted the paper on the page! Don't they look real?!


  1. Super fun page! Love the row of tags at the top. My local store closed late last year so I can't do any in person shopping anymore. It does make a difference when you can see and touch them first!

  2. How fun is this LO! I'm loving what you've done with the tags!!

  3. So cute!
    Love your embellishing and how you used tags.
    Definitely lucky to have a few scrapbook stores. One LSS is really good. And then we have an Archiver's within 30 minutes. But I do a fair amount of online shopping as well! :)

  4. Beautiful page - I love those papers too - I know what you mean about visiting real shops.....I managed to get to one on my holidays, but I should have gone with a more comprehensive list and found something to occupy my DH and kids with so I could spend ages there :D

  5. Beautiful page - I love those papers too - I know what you mean about visiting real shops.....I managed to get to one on my holidays, but I should have gone with a more comprehensive list and found something to occupy my DH and kids with so I could spend ages there :D

  6. Fabulous page with that tag border, Madeline!

  7. Great page, love the colors and the tag border at the top, I don't have a LSS they closed a few years ago, most of my shopping is done online these days :)

  8. This is such a great layout!
    I love the tags at the top:)
    Great photos
    As for an LSS, nope...unless you consider Michael's one.

  9. Wonderful page. I don't think I could part with all those tags on one layout that you used as a border, but they look wonderful.

  10. Fabulous page! Yes, the tags do look real! Sadly, we no longer have a lss - I try to find them every time we travel! :)

  11. Love how you used all the tags as a border!

  12. This is AWESOME!! I was wondering if you'd made all the tags, or if they came in a package ... you are BRILLIANT!!! :) Great page, great pics! :)

  13. Brilliant, I love the tags, and the flair! The photos look great too, especially for pre-digi ones!

    I don't think I've ever been to an actual scrapbook store. I've been to shops which sell lots of other things plus a bit of scrapbooking. And I'm lucky to be friends with the lady who runs the online shop DT I'm on (SJ Crafts) and I can pop to her house to look through stock sometimes. But not an actual scrapbook store. I don't think there's any near me, but maybe one day I'll find one. x
