Monday, July 28, 2014

Something To Read

When I was a child, I loved the library. There was an entire room devoted to children's books, with a long wrap-around wall holding hundreds upon hundreds of J books, "just" for me. I'd scan the titles on the spines, pull out those that intrigued me, and read the inside flap summary before making my selections. Horse books were my favorite, as well as mysteries and adventure.

Well guess what? I've re-discovered the library! My Paperback Swap wishlist was moving way too slow, and the library...gasp!...has the books I want to read. Not everything is on the shelf, but I can order those I want and even have them delivered to the e-library near our house. So cool!

Before going on vacation last month, I gathered a few books for the beach, and recently scrapped a photo of the stack using Scraptastic's Either Way kit:

Here are a few closeups of the page:

Besides the books in the photos above, I've just finished reading The Rosie Project and Eleanor and Park, both highly recommended. Right now I'm in the middle of two science fiction novels. I know..."Why two?!" One lives in the car and I take it to swim practices while the other is besides my bed! I like to have books wherever I go. ;)

What have you read lately? Anything you'd recommend?


  1. What a fun layout
    Love all the layers

  2. I love your page! And I love the library, my Kindle is great, but the allure of walking into a library and being surrounded by books is the greatest!!!

  3. Beautiful layout. Our family is a lover of books also.

  4. Love the layout, I will have to document my love of reading soon too. I take my four kids to the library every Friday, and my daughter and I both have kindles. I can relate to reading two books at a time, right now I am trying to get through The Dovekeeper, but it's 500 pgs. I also just finished Astronauts Wives Club.
