Thursday, August 7, 2014

To Be Continued...

Here we go! The last few days of freedom are slipping by and we are trying to squeeze everything in. Everyday it's something.

Tuesday was the orthodontist, Kevin's "records" visit, the beginning of a long, arduous, and expensive process which hopefully result in one spectacular smile!

Wednesday was Used Book Sale Day, which had me leaving the house around 6:00, arriving 6:30, and waiting, waiting, waiting for the 8:00 AM opening. Yes, it's that important, because what I don't get used and at half price, he'll need to buy full price next week! begins next week...the new school year. Summer just wasn't long enough...again.

Here's a picture I scrapped from June, when school seemed so far away:

The patterned papers and Thickers title are from Amy Tangerine's Plus One collection, with beachy stickers, sheer die-cuts, and flair all from American Crafts' #Summer collection. I love how they work together on this page.

Don't you wish summer (and vacation from school) would continue just a little longer? I'm so not ready for this.


  1. My kids have been out of school two months and are already getting ready to go back in a couple of weeks. Dreading like you wouldn't believe. Summer goes way too fast for my liking. I really enjoy them home and getting to spend actual quality time, which doesn't exist during the school year.

    Love your page. The papers fit so well with your photo. Love the diagonal cut background.

  2. totally love this! love all the layering!

  3. Oh this is so fresh and bright. Great job. I love that Amy T collection too.

  4. Love the yellow splashes with your B&W. Great summer photo!
