Monday, September 15, 2014

The Scrappy Blog Tour

Hi everyone! If you're a scrapbooker, you must have heard of the Scrappy Blog Tour that's weaving its way across the scrappy blog world. the ALS Ice-Water Challenge, I thought if I just laid low and stayed quiet long enough, no one would take notice and it would pass right over me! LOL...just kidding! I am extremely honored to have been asked to participate by my uber-talented scrappy friend, Monique Liedtke. 

Monique has recently joined the Scraptastic Kit Club Design Team, and has all sorts of other credits to her name. She is so very creative, with a gallery full of colorful and beautifully designed layouts, cards, and paper craft projects. Check out her blog, and find her work over at Studio Calico.

Monique has given me several questions to answer. I hope you enjoy reading a little about my process, style, and favorite products!

1. What am I working on right now?

Right now, I'm putting together a fourth project with Scraptastic's The Girl kit for September. I've decimated my favorite patterned papers in the kit, with just bits and pieces left. To get those lovely little bits onto this page, I'm having to be a bit creative!  

After that...who knows?! I'll look through my most recent envelope of photos to see if there's a story that needs to be told...before I forget too many of the details. ;)

2. How long does it take me to create a project?

A long time. A very long time. The sun rises, sets, and rises again. Seasons change. Really...I am a ...s...l...o...w... scrapper.

It generally takes me 2 days to complete a project, often in fits and spurts. I mean, hey, I have things to do (carpool, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, a part-time job, swim meets, etc.) AND I get distracted easily! I'll run to the computer to find a cut file or quote and end up lost in cyberspace...or Pinterest. Yikes!

3. What are my favorite things to create with at the moment?

Ahhh...there are so many, and yet no one thing shows up consistently on my pages...except patterned paper. That has to be my most fave supply of all! But here are 5 more that I love to add to my layouts:

(And other paper ephemera)



(Bottlecaps, die-cuts, brads, labels, buttons, flair, and enamel dots)


4. How does my writing/creative process work? 

I usually start with product...a paper collection or kit that draws me in. Then I go through my ever-growing stack of photos. I'll try to match up favorite photos or those with stories I'm dying to tell, and work my way from more recent to anywhere in the past. Since I didn't start to scrap until after my 5th child was born, I've got lots of photos from which to choose! 

5. How do I become inspired and stay inspired?

This is an easy question! Every scrapper who posts to galleries, blogs, etc. is a source of inspiration. They inspire me to attempt new techniques and try on different styles. I am also immensely inspired by the products themselves. Who doesn't want to tear into a brand new kit or use those cute flair? And whenever I'm at a loss of where to start, I peruse Pinterest, careful not to get overwhelmed. Quilts and art can also be that spark.

6. What is my signature style?

Ooooo...and now a hard question! Scrappy friends say they can spot my pages a mile away, but I'm not sure if my style has a name. I like to call it organized collage. I love to layer and cluster, adding bits and pieces of ephemera here and there, but I am also drawn to straight lines, grid designs, and orderly pages. Even when I'm being "messy", I like it "just so". Imagine that! 

This is a favorite from this past year:

Here are a few more that give an overview of my style. What would *you* call it?

If you've stuck with me so far, I thank you immensely! 

"TAG!...You're it!" And now it's my turn to pick someone who inspires me to continue with this Scrappy Blog Tour! I've asked Susan Stringfellow and she has graciously accepted. I've known her for years, and am always in awe of her constant stream of creativity! Seriously, it never I'm very interested in hearing her answers. 

Check out Susan's blog next Monday morning for a peek into her scrappy process. It should be fascinating! Meanwhile, stop by her inspiring sketch blog and find her work in these galleries:, Scraptastic, and Disney Scrappers.


  1. I think "organized collage" is a perfect name for your style! You like to fill the page but it's all pretty and organized! :)

  2. I love how you describe your style! :)
    And fun photos of your favorite things right now to scrap with!

  3. Awww, thank you so much for your sweet words! blush blush!
    I soooo love your style, your favorites, your story about "distraction" is so familiar .... we are very alike in many (scrappy)things! Your favorite layout is just awesome!! Pinning it for sure!!
    Big hug!

  4. Great post! I agree "organized collage" is an applicable label. Your style is very consistent, and effective too. Like I said, great post.
