Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hit & Run

Last year my youngest son and I were involved in a not-so-fun accident. After the other vehicle smacked upside of mine, the offender took off at a high rate of speed, with a police car in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, all I'm thinking is "Hey, what about us?!" No one was stopping for me, so I took off too, and followed the "parade" into a somewhat unfamiliar neighborhood. Here is where the suspect drove off-road, abandoned his car, and jumped the railroad tracks. My family soon arrived and I snapped this photo of my older son watching as a crowd of onlookers gathered.

All of the papers are from Scraptastic's Drops of Jupiter kit and add-on. I like how the bits of orange coordinate with the end-of-road caution sign and the fluorescent strips on side of the train. To me this color also seems to signal "Emergency!"

I used a Crate Paper fox "bobby pin" to hold together my paper layers:

Kraft cardstock was used to matt the photo and create the cluster of leaves to the right. Bits of ephemera were tucked and layered alongside:

I keep a couple of bowls and baskets near my scrap desk filled with odds and ends, and enjoy sorting through them for fun little details like this. See that little tag? I crossed out "room" and wrote "cell". Yep, the person responsible got to spend a bit of time in jail. I'm still furious that his insurance company didn't take responsibility. Evidently they don't cover someone fleeing from police. Does that make any sense at all??? What good are mandatory insurance rules when loopholes like this exist?

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