Thursday, July 28, 2016


When I saw the large LIFE print on this bold paper from Scraptastic's Cherry Pie kit, I immediately thought about a photo that I snapped after one of my son's lifeguard shifts last summer. It's become a sort of family tradition, as this is the fourth of my kids to work summers as a lifeguard, following their mom's footsteps of course. ;) It also blends well with his swimming passion, as he's always at the pool anyway, for swim team practice.

Colorful journal cards flank the photo, all of which are anchored by an equally colorful tear strip. 

Below, bright yellow letter stickers complete the title:

An assortment of clips embellish the upper right hand corner of the page, along with an exclusive flair from the Cherry Pie kit. Everything on the page is from the kit and/or add-on.

I remember my time as a lifeguard...for a new hotel in the area. I wore a bikini, checked chlorine levels, watched out for the safety of any guests which happened along, and basically worked on my tan. Perfect job for a 16 year old. Tee-hee. Lifeguarding...a job so hot, it's cool! 

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