Thursday, February 27, 2014

An Overwhelming Task!

Whew! I just completed a little scrapbooking organizational project. I didn't organize my space or my supplies; I organized my layouts! I am NOT a chronological scrapper, and I often pick photos and memories from various years (decades even!) to scrap. If I reach back too far in time, I end up with a finished page which often needs a date. (Here's where the trouble begins.) The layout will go into a pile, the "look-up" pile. It isn't a very good idea, but once a page is done, I just want to move on!

So...what I did until 1:30 in the morning for two nights in a row was to work on that pile. Consulting date books, old photo albums, photo envelopes, camera image files, etc. I looked up of all those dates, AND put those layouts in their correct chronological scrapbooks. THAT was a lot of work. But now everything's in order, and I am feeling so much better about my books. Yay. Note to self: Don't let that pile get so out of hand. (I found pages created around 2006 in there!)

So now I'm ready to begin a new set of projects with Scraptastic's March kit, It's My Life. Here's a little peek:

 Scraptastic's other kit choice for March is equally awesome:

And sorry for the tease, but this month's This Life Noted kit is already sold out!

The exclusive flair and wood veneers, along with all the other hand-picked embellishments and papers make these kits a cut above! I can't wait to get started on my kit and hope to have some pages to show you next week, along with reveal of the full kit contents.  :)


  1. Goodness! What a task - you are brave! LOL! I need to do this as well...sigh. Love your sets of projects - how fun!

  2. That was quite a job for you! I know I'd be so relieved to have it done. I just finished putting away about six layouts (LOL) and was happy to get them off my desk. :)

  3. OMGoodness, I'm so glad I started from the beginning and kept going chronologically! :) It would drive me crazy!! The kit looks awesome, all those yummy, fun colors!!!

  4. Wow, what an undertaking, but I'm sure it feels good to have all those pages squared away! Can't wait to see what you make with the kit, it looks like a good one! :)

  5. Good for you! It feels so good to get things in order like that. I'm glad you're getting It's My Life too. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!

  6. Don't you just love the feeling after accomplishing a big task like that? Have fun with those goodies, that kit looks super cute :)

  7. Lots of work but I'm sure it feels great! The kit looks full of goodies!

  8. Good for you! Finally! LOL! I have a scary pile that need to go into albums.

  9. I can't find who won the blog hop. Can you tell me where the winner is posted please? Thanks

  10. Lucretia, the Valentine's Day blog hop winner was announced on the American Crafts Blog on February 21. Some of the individual blogs had additional give-aways, with varying timeframes. I did not have one on my blog this time. Thanks for visiting!
