Monday, March 3, 2014

Mardi Gras Buzz Kill

I grew up going to Mardi Gras parades, tons of them. Every. Single. Year. Both of my grandparents lived in uptown New Orleans, within walking distance of the parade route, which made it so easy! Now that we're suburbanites, it isn't as convenient, but we still have our favorite krewes and if the weather cooperates, we get out there in spite of the drive and lack of bathroom facilities. But this year is turning out to be different.

First of all, the other Mardi Gras aficionado of the family, Kevin, had a dental procedure on Thursday, and he hasn't been quite up to parade-watching. In fact, he has eaten very little in the last 3 days. 

Then there's the weather forecast for Fat Tuesday, with highs in the 40's, and rain expected to turn the neutral ground on St. Charles Avenue into one big mud puddle. Wet and cold and thank you!

So it looks like Mardi Gras Day will be spent at home. The last time I didn't venture out on the big day was in 1993, after the birth of my middle son...three days earlier. Yeah, I skipped that one too. ;)

Anyway, here's a layout with a photo from a previous Mardi Gras Day, one that was bright and sunny!

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


  1. Too bad about this year, but the picture and layout are great! Love the alpha stencil.

  2. Very pretty colors on this! So cute!

  3. Sorry you have to miss this year. Love your layout, very cool!

  4. Awesome work with the stencil paper for your background, Madeline! Sorry you'll be missing out this year. :( The weather is crazy all across the country.

  5. Love how you used the template and made the colors of the letters match with his shirt. Too cute!

  6. What a creative layout, love the background! Sorry that you'll miss out on the festivities!

  7. Great colors and love that photo!

  8. Great page, nice little touches on it. And you'll just have to let the good times roll at home today.

  9. Madeline - i love this! is this digital? or "real" ?

  10. Thank you's real! I photograph outside in the sun to get the nice shadows. Maybe that's what makes it look digital. :)

  11. Sorry you missed out this year!
    But great layout, and really great photo!

  12. That's too bad about this year's parade but your layout is extra gorgeous. (Plus I love Kevin's shirt!).
