Friday, March 7, 2014

The Forecast: Cold and Rain

Mardi Gras morning 9 am, and the rain was already coming down. As predicted, it was going to be a wash-out...and a cold one at that.

I decided to go ahead and whip up a batch of pancakes since we weren't going anywhere. While doing so, I called my sister to commiserate. We usually meet out on the parade route and spend the day together with our families. That wasn't going to happen today. When she picked up the phone, I teasingly asked her when she was leaving the house for the parades. Hahaha. Just kidding! It was then that she told me her plan...and she wasn't kidding.

Next thing you know, we're hopping out the car at Prytania and Marengo, with bright orange ponchos over layers of warm clothing. My college-aged niece stayed with the car, keeping it warm and ready, in a too-close-to-the corner spot while we headed to St. Charles to catch the Rex parade...and some throws if we were lucky. We arrived just as policemen on horseback were clopping down the street, ahead of the main event.

(All pictures taken with my phone camera. This wasn't a day to bring out the good one!)

It was a cold 36 degrees and the rain continued, but we were there...Mardi Gras day on the Avenue!

The crowds were lighter than normal, but heavier than I expected. We weren't the only crazy ones! This interesting set-up was behind us.

 Across the street, ladders sat empty on the muddy St. Charles Avenue neutral ground. On a nice day, they would be filled with babies, kids, teens, adults. Today, they just make a pretty picture.

I can only imagine what these white uniforms looked like at the end of the parade! Hello Oxyclean!

After a few floats, our hands were freezing, but we had a mission: to catch 3 doubloons, one for each of us, and one for our dad. Only then could we call it a day. Of course, as soon as we snagged that third doubloon, we looked at each other, and agreed...just a little longer; this is too much fun! ;)

Moments later, numb from the wet and cold, we finally surrendered and went back to the car to thaw and head home.

There have been cold Mardi Gras days. There have been rainy Mardi Gras days. But not since 1899 has there been a Mardi Gras Day with a daytime high as low as today. And we were there. :o


  1. Awesome post!! Thank you for taking us along for the ride (but we got to stay warm, LOL)! Love it! :)

  2. Aw, I'm so glad you got to go and enjoy the parade! :)

  3. So glad you got to go anyway. Thanks for the pics. Someday I will make it to Mardi Gras!

  4. Thanks for sharing the photos. I am such a wimp that I would never venture out on such a cold, rainy day.

  5. How fun that you went anyway! Bummer that it was so cold and rainy though.
    But glad you still had a good time!

  6. The one Mardi Gras I did make it to NOLA for was COLD, so my memories of these parades jive with your photos. Looks like you made the best of it! :)
