Thursday, January 28, 2016

Social Media?

This page, seen on The Cut Shop blog a few days ago, pokes fun at my son and four of his cousins, cousins close in age, who see each other fairly often, spend vacations together, and generally like each other! So why are they not interacting? Two words: Social Media. An obsession with it, on phones, ipads, etc. seems to have had an unintended consequence!

It's Christmas day and there they are sitting side by side, totally engrossed in what is on the devices in front of them. Maybe they are communicating by text?! ;)

I've used a favorite background from The Cut Shoppe Etsy store, the Very Squarey cut file in 12x12:

I figured that the squares could represent the many screens (laptops, smart phones, ipads, etc.) that have seemingly taken the place of face-to-face conversations. Adding snippets of text was an afterthought, but totally appropos.

Patterned papers (all except the small grey stripe) are from the Just A Girl kit from Scraptastic Club. My favorite is the blue-green star print from Seven Paper Co.!

So what do you think? When we get together with family and friends, should we put a basket by the door with a sign that says "Deposit all phones HERE!"?

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