Saturday, February 6, 2016


For the past four years we've made numerous trips to Tuscaloosa while my middle son was enrolled at the University of Alabama. He graduated last spring, so this page is sort of a swan song for those long, long rides back and forth from home. If only it weren't so far away from New Orleans, with just pine trees in between!

We did enjoy the little bit of time we spent in town during our jaunts to pick-up or drop-off. The campus was beautiful, the downtown quaint. One of our favorite eateries, Glory Bound, has the most delicious hummus and a wall full of painted guitars. One such piece of art, emblazoned with the words "Sweet Home Alabama", became the inspiration for the colorful layout below:

The Half Hearted 12X12 cut file from The Cut Shoppe Etsy store was used in creating the page:

I loved leafing through my patterned paper stash for colorful scraps. Equally fun was sifting through my embellishments for coordinating bits and pieces. Several colorful embellishments were added to the hearts in two separate clusters, one at the upper right:

 And one at the bottom left:

It was a bit of work to gather and put this page together, but totally worth the time and effort!

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